With a new-found belief
that free-expression and unbridled creativity
is awaiting each of our futures, I call together an assembly
of the open-minded and huddled masses
that are yearning to gain freedom
from the established doctrines of mediocrity!
Hear ye hear ye!
Break free from the eyes of the older generation as they hold you in
This is a mysterious and magical place where you not only fit-in…
… you belong!
A place where you belong!
A place free from the strings and restrictions of the ties and bind!
A place where your still-so-secret inner-child will un-thaw,
un-freeze and un-wind!
A place where Big-Brother Government, Religion
and pop-culture “meh” programming… is under OUR scrutiny!
Did you hear correctly?
Yes, you DID!
OUR scrutiny!
Welcome, my dearest beloveds, to Anthony D’Amico’s… Amazing Glass
Come & explore the delicious treats,
the ultra-mysterious sweets
and sugar-rich confectionery feats of one magical Mr. Wonka!
(One magical Anthony D’Amico)!
Your hearts will race with your eyes & face as you explore the mind
(and factory) of the mysterious man,
the man who can (!)
the sturn and drang dreams,
and the vital visions of his exceptional explorations!
But be careful boys and girls:
We all know what happened to Veruca Salt and Augustus Gloop
when they ingested too much sweet….. he-he ha-ha ho-ho!
Mr. Wonka requests your most-esteemed presence at his glass factory.
Handmade g-o-l-d-e-n tickets will be presented in order to enter the
glass factory…
… each guest MUST follow protocol,
… and MUST have a ticket to enter.
In order to receive a ticket your mailing address is requested
(via a private message to Anthony D’Amico ASAP).
Five lucky platinum ticket holders will receive a one of a kind
“sucette de verre”
- a glass lollipop! – from Mr. Wonka (the one Anthony D’Amico)
This promises to be an event that will be long remembered!
One night and one night only.
One magical night in which questions will be asked…
Don’t be left wondering where you were when ART HAPPENED!
Please be a part of this amazing happening…
… and remember:
History is made by artists, at night, in mysterious rooms… (!)